Friday, November 03, 2006

A Posting on

I think if Jesus came back and saw what Republicans do in his name, he'd kick some serious butt.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Absolute power corrupts. Time for a change.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Washington State Visit: Methow Valley

Bath overlooking the mountains at Sun Mountain LodgePosted by Picasa

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Our Backyard Series: White Echenacia

The Echenacia enjoying the full sun. Posted by Picasa

Our Backyard Series: Yarrow

They floated alongside the Lavender and Roses Posted by Picasa

Our Backyard Series: Blackeyed Susan

Barney's labor in full bloom. Posted by Picasa

Our Backyard Series: Garlic Flower

We were pleansantly surprised to discover a garlic plant in our backyard. Posted by Picasa

Monday, April 03, 2006

The next Exciting Chapter

Some of you received this e-mail from me today:

My Friends

Here's what my Horoscope says today:
Maybe you have your eye on a promotion at work. Maybe your ambition is pointing you in another direction altogether. Are you considering changing workplaces entirely? Or maybe you've been nursing some sweet dreams of a career switch. Whatever your goals, today is a good day for moving forward.

On that note, I thought today is a good day to let all of you know that I have decided to make a career switch. This also gives me the opportunity to greet those of you whom I have not faithfully kept in touch.

Many of you have probably heard in the news that all of 32 Knight Ridder newspapers have been sold. Adding to the uncertainty, the new owner, McClatchy, has decided to re-sell 12 of the newspapers. San Jose Mercury News, which is where I am currently working, is one of them.

I have always wanted to move to a high growth hi-Tech industry and the pending sale of Knight Ridder gave me that motivation to go job hunting. Regardless of how calm I may look to many of you, interviews stressed me out. That said, I must say I am getting quite skillful at it.

I have accepted a managerial position at xxxxxx and will start my new position on April 17th. My Mercury News email account will be disabled this Friday April 7th.

Let's keep in touch.

Warmest Regards,