Going into 2004, I remember saying to someone: “I think 2004 is going to be my year”.
And it has been. There were three significant events:
1. The Elusive Green Card
Here’s an excerpt of what I wrote in a previous blog I maintained:
I Bet on the American Dream. Today I won a piece of it!
Ever since I was a little kid, I dreamt of working and living in the USA. In 1997, I began my journey to realize my American Dream. I took a leap of faith and came to the USA looking for a job. It was definitely faith, because if I knew how hard the process would turn out to be, I probably would never have come. Few companies will hire foreign accountants, simply because there is no shortage of accountants here. Most companies didn't even give me a chance to prove that I would be worthy of all the administrative headaches and legal expenses they would have to incur. Not to mention that they would have had to wait 6 long months before I would even be able to legally work in the USA. They refused to see me. But one company did. And like so many things in life, sometimes you just need One Door to open for you.
More than five years later, after delays caused by INS' (now called USCIS) incompetence, attorney's bad decisions, 9/11, the online status of my Green Card application changed to say the following:
This case has been approved. On February 20, 2004, an approval notice was mailed.
2. A Home to Call My Own.
Yeah I know; you’ve heard enough of it. I could barely afford it. But then, I have yet to be disappointed whenever I trust my instinct and take leaps of faith.
3. Special People
I am not ready to talk about them publicly. I will share with all of you when the time is right.
So the Tsunami puts things into perspective, doesn’t it? There’s quite a bit of my own personal stuff going on and the tragedy in Asia reminded me that I should open my hearts to people in need and not just focus on myself.
Unlike 9/11, the underlying energies are not hatred and vengeance; it is pure sympathy, empathy, and giving. There is no one to blame for a natural disaster of this unprecedented magnitude.
I also thought that in 2004, common sense and integrity would be brought back to the White House. I was dismayed and disappointed at the choice America made.
The Mind
Alex guided me through my first meditation experience. It quieted my being and helped me to accept that a relationship I wanted was not meant to be.
When you just give Love and never get Love, you better let Love depart.
I have also read some good books like
The Miracle of Mindfulness,
Start Where Your Are,
The Power of Now and
The Power of Intention. They taught me that we are a product of our thoughts. Negative thoughts and feelings like depression, anger, jealousy, and insecurity are impediments to fulfilling our innermost desires.
Breakups are a part of life. It wasn’t the easiest thing; it can be hurtful. I’m sorry. I know it’s the right thing to do and hope that you will see it someday. I want to be friends but understand that you may need lots of space from me. I hope you know I truly cared.
I see it bleeds
It must be painful
For I see
Water standing in your eyes
Travel is my passion. 2004 took me to Montreal, Hong Kong, Singapore and Bangkok. David and I visited Montreal. We love visiting new cities. We know each other so well that traveling together is a pleasure. We don’t have to argue or compromise on what we want to do. We love the same things. Kevin and I had a great time in Asia. I felt bad he got food poisoning in Hong Kong and had to pay more than he should for a camera he purchased in Singapore. Some of the most memorable moments are swimming off the coast of Sentosa, and cruising down the Singapore River. Thanks for the memories, guys.
So 2005:
I have already given the energies of the universe notice of all the good things I want.